About International Journal of Economic Sciences

ISSN 1804-9796 (online)
Copyright © 2012-2023


Since 2017 the journal is published semiannually. Publishing months are April and November (from 2022).
The language of the journal is English.


WoS: category: Economic - ESCI

Journal Citation Reports
Journal Impact Factor:
3.0 (2023) - last 5 years 1,9 
2.4 (2022) - last 5 years 1,7 

Journal Impact Factor without self citation:
2.7 (2023)
1,8 (2022)

Journal Citation Indicator:
0.73 (2023)
0.48 (2022)

Rank by Journal Imact Factor (JIF):
119/597 | Quartil: Q1 | Percentil: 80,2 (2023)

Rank by Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 
202/600 | Quartil: Q2 | Percentil: 66.4 (2023) 
307/586 | Quartil: Q3 | Percentil: 47.7 (2022)


Submission fee is EUR 100 + 21 % VAT (total EUR 121). Kindly note that the submission fee is not refundable. 

Publication fee is EUR 500 + 21 % VAT (total EUR 605). The publication fee is charged only if the article is accepted by the reviewers for publication. The paper will not be published until the publication fee is paid.

A digital object identifier (DOI) is assigned to every article in the Journal.
The Journal is in DOAJ database now.

Aim and Objectives

The International Journal of Economic Sciences (IJoES) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal which is freely available online under open access policy and serves as the primary source highlighting original research. The aim of the IJoES is to publish articles that contribute significantly to the body of scientific knowledge and to provide an international platform for academic researchers, academicians, students, practitioners and policy makers from different background, who engage in theoretical and empirical research of chapters in economics, economic theory, finance, banking, international trade and related disciplines on micro, mezo and macro levels. Published articles use scientific research methods, including: economic modeling, econometric and statistical analysis, case studies, field research and historical analysis.

Instruction for Authors