Journal Policies of International Journal of Teaching & Education
Open Access and Copyright Policy
All EURREC publications are freely available online. Our open access policy is aimed to facilitate exchange of knowledge.
The authors give permission to the EURREC to publish their work with open access policy which enables readers to reference the work.
The EURREC uses Creative Commons copyright license policy CC BY-SA. Copyrights remain with the authors. Authors can decide about eventual republication of parts of the content. In case of re-publication an appropriate reference of the original publication is requested.
Content that is sent to European Research Center should not be submitted elsewhere for evaluation or publication neither during the review proces nor after publication of the text. Double publication is considered unethical.
By submitting the content, the authors declare that the text is their original work, does not contain any plagiarism and has not been published n to any other journal. The editor makes scan of all submitted content in order to detect plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected, the text submitted will go desk rejected.
Authors are responsible to provide copyright permission for the material they include in their content from other sources if required.
Publication Frequency
The International Journal of Teaching and Education is published continually.
- Submission fee is EUR 100 + 21% VAT (total EUR 121) and is non-refundable.
- No publication fee is applicable to accepted papers.
Withrawal Policy
Significant mistakes in published content
In case a significant mistake is found so the article cannot remain in the Journal, authors can request withdrawal of their text from the journal. The article will be deleted and replaced with a note introducing the reason for the withrawal.
If plagiarism is found, whole article will be deleted from the journal and replaced with a note mentioning the names of the original authors and description of plagiarism. Authors will be notified.
Digital Preservation
The Journal is digitally preserved by the National Library of the Czech Republic within its WebArchiv since 2014.